Resume Writing - Format & Aesthetics General Resume Format Your resume should be clear, simple yet aesthetically pleasing. Make it easy for the reader to find - [PDF Document] (2024)

Resume Writing - Format & Aesthetics General Resume Format Your resume should be clear, simple yet aesthetically pleasing. Make it easy for the reader to find - [PDF Document] (1)


1131 Glenn L Martin Hall | University of Maryland | College Park, MD 20742 | 301 -405-3863 | [emailprotected]

Resumes are documents that summarize your education, relevant experience, and activities. You may write a resume to submit electronically as part of an application for an internship, job, graduate school or scholarship. You will need to bring printed copies of your resume to career fairs and other recruiting events with employers.

Employers seek candidates with strong written communication skills. Your resume is the first example of your writing that recruiters will see. It should be accurate, concise, and easy to read.

Resume Writing

G e n e r a l T i p s f o r a W i n n i n g R e s u m e

DO... Show don’t tell why you are qualified with

concrete, measurable examples of youraccomplishments from jobs, projects, andactivities.

Organize experience in sections to allow you toput most relevant information near the top

List specific experiences in reverse chronologicalorder.

Focus on skills and experience that are mostrelevant to your current career objective but savesome details for an interview.

Use “action” verbs and active (not passive) voiceto describe your accomplishments. Make everyword count!

Keep it short and direct, one page for undergrads. Proofread before sending! Have someone else

review your resume too. Submit job application documents as a .pdf so

formatting is preserved (unless the instructions sayotherwise.)

Update your resume at least once a semesterwhile you are in school, then once a year.

DO NOT... worry if you think you have limited relevant

experience - that’s why you’re seeking aninternship, co-op or other job now!

include a photo or personal information (socialsecurity number, marital status, birthdate) oranything that is irrelevant to your qualifications.

take up space listing every job duty orresponsibility for every experience.

simply list adjectives, a bunch of buzzwords, orsoft skills like creative, hard-working, enthusiastic,etc. without evidence.

use acronyms like UMCP or ENES100. use multiple font colors or styles, or “cute” bullet

points. You don’t want the format to distract fromthe content.

use full sentences or first person pronouns: I,mine, my, me, etc.

expect your computer’s spelling or grammar checkto catch every error.

list references on your resume. Have a separatedocument with their contact information.

Resume Writing - Format & Aesthetics General Resume Format Your resume should be clear, simple yet aesthetically pleasing. Make it easy for the reader to find - [PDF Document] (2)

R e s u m e Fo r m at & A e s t h e t i c s

General Resume Format Your resume should be clear, simple yet aesthetically pleasing. Make it easy for the reader to find the information about you that they need.

In a 5-10 second scan of your resume, the reader should be able to identify your current career objective and your principal qualifications.

In general, you will divide your document into sections, using descriptive headings. Within a given section, list each experience in reverse chronological order (starting with the most recent experiences).

Document Size and Shape In the U.S., a resume should be on letter sized paper (8.5” x 11”).

Your entry level resume should be on one page (for industry). If you have 5+ years of experience or you are applying for federal jobs, your resume may have more than one page.

Keep margins between 0.5 and 1.0 inch on each edge, including headers and footers.

Align text to the left. Justified text can be harder to read.

Align dates and locations to the right.

Avoid using resume templates. It can be tricky to maintain format when you edit the document later.

Tables can help you align dates, locations, headings, etc. However, they may not convert easily to text formats used by some document readers. Learn how to use Styles and tabs in your document editor to better organize the information.

Find a balance between text and white space. Try not to have bullets with less than 50% of the line used.

Fonts, Symbols, Colors Use a single easy to read, TrueType font in 10-12 point size. Here are a few good choices, shown here in 11 point size:

Arial Bookman Old Style Calibri Garamond Perpetua Times New Roman Tahoma

Avoid unprofessional, script, or immature fonts like these:

NO Broadway Chiller Comic Sans Lucida Handwriting

Use font styles and sizes in a uniform and consistent way throughout your resume:

Bold Underline Italics ALL CAPS Small Caps

Use simple bullet points to list relevant accomplishments for each experience. Keep bullets points to two lines each:

or or or – are acceptable

Avoid using multiple levels of bullets, or “cute” bullets like

NO or or or

For font color, stick to black. Colors tend to fade rather than stand out when printed in grayscale or scanned.

Online Applications & Your Resume Some employers use applicant tracking systems (ATS) for screening resumes. Special formatting does not translate well when pasted into an electronic application’s text box.

For that reason, avoid the following:

• Special symbols

• Columns

• Horizontal and vertical lines

• Tables

Look carefully through each online text resume you submit; make sure that it is as legible and reader-friendly as it can be. Remember, your electronic resume will probably be scanned by software AND read by a human being.

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Resume Writing - Format & Aesthetics General Resume Format Your resume should be clear, simple yet aesthetically pleasing. Make it easy for the reader to find - [PDF Document] (3)

R e s u m e S e c t i o n s

Include: legal name mailing address phone number with area code email addressOptional: LinkedIn or personal website url U.S. citizenship or permanent residency

Generally omit: Date of birth or other irrelevant personal information Photo

GEPETTO C. COLLODI 123 Puppet Rd. • Pescia, MD 20742

(301)123-4567 • [emailprotected]

Contact Information

B.S. Mechanical Engineering Expected May 2020 University of Maryland College Park, MD

Major GPA: 3.75 A.S. Engineering May 2017 Prince George’s Community College Largo, MD Dean’s List all semesters Cumulative GPA:3.97

Include: degree seeking (B.S., M.S., etc.) major field of study expected graduation (Month Year) University name & location GPA (cumulative and/or major, if 3.0)Optional: other colleges you have attended honors/awards/minors/certificates/special programs course highlights (see Objective, below)

Generally omit: High school name (after freshman year of college) AP or other college entrance test scores


Include: Software and hardware used in your target industry or

type of job Certifications valued in your industry (including security

clearance for government jobs) Lab skills, techniques, protocols Relevant hands on skills, equipment Foreign languages you speak/write well

Generally omit: Subjective traits (creative thinker, team player) Skills that are not relevant to current career objective

Programming: Java, C++ CAD: Autodesk Inventor, SolidWorks Engineering: Machining, rapid prototyping Languages: Spanish (fluent written and spoken)


Types of experience to include: Internships (paid or not) Previous or current jobs Technical projects (independent or class) Engineering competitions

For each experience, include: Your job title or role Name of company/project/organization City, State or Country Dates employed (months and years) Where needed, bullet points with succinct description of

relevant accomplishments in a consistent verb tense

Group experiences under headings that catch the reader’s eye, such as:

Engineering Projects Chemical Engineering Experience

Leadership Experience Research Experience

Work Experience



UMD Over Sand Vehicle Project College Park, MD Mechanical Sub-team Leader Sept. - Dec. 2019

GCC Toy Factory Toscana, MD General Manager Jan. 2018 - Feb. 2019

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Resume Writing - Format & Aesthetics General Resume Format Your resume should be clear, simple yet aesthetically pleasing. Make it easy for the reader to find - [PDF Document] (4)

R e s u m e S e c t i o n s , c o n t i n u e d

Depending upon your individual background and the positions/ industries you are considering, you might also include some of the following information on your resume. Not every college student’s resume needs all of these sections.

Activities/ Affiliations Employers report that they favor students who have held leadership positions in college or who are actively involved in campus and community organizations outside the classroom.

Include: Activities that highlight transferable skills and interests

relevant to the job or industry Professional organizations Student clubs Sports teams or performance groups Volunteer work or community organizations Can include bullet points that highlight accomplishments

Generally omit: Affiliations or activities that might set you up for

potential discrimination in the hiring process

Engineering Fraternity College Park, MD Philanthropy Chair May 2018 – Present

• Organized carnival with games and attractions, raisingover $4,000 for Lost Boys Foundation.

Honors and Awards Under Education or as a standalone section, include recent/ relevant/prestigious: Scholarships, especially merit Dean’s List/ Honor Roll Fellowships and research grants Recognitions within your industry Add date awarded Brief description (if you have space)

Generally omit: Middle school and most high school awards

Banneker/Key Full Tuition Scholarship Aug 2018-present Semester Academic Honors Fall 2018, Spring 2019 2019 Co-op/Intern Award May 2019

If your past experience doesn’t reflect your current career objective, you can include a specific objective with: Type of work Target industry and type of workA summary is a short paragraph that includes relevantexpertise or skills supported by evidence.

Generally omit: Subjective buzzwords (hard-working, excellent) Generic statements

Objective or Professional Summary Most college resumes do not need an objective statement.

Course Highlights Where possible, include class projects under Experience rather than just to list the classes you’ve taken. If you do choose to list classes, include: Upper level electives only Course titles

Generally omit: Classes everyone in your major takes Fun classes with no relevance to the job Course numbers

Publications, Presentations, and Patents

If you are seeking research positions, especially in academia, it can be valuable to list peer-reviewed publications and conference proceedings. This is usually less important for applied industry positions. Follow the guidelines used by faculty in your department if you include a publications section.

If you have a patent (pending or otherwise), you can include this as evidence of an accomplishment.

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Resume Writing - Format & Aesthetics General Resume Format Your resume should be clear, simple yet aesthetically pleasing. Make it easy for the reader to find - [PDF Document] (5)

H o w t o H i g h l i g h t A c c o m p l i s h m e n t s

You have 5-10 seconds to get the attention of a recruiter reading your resume.

Show what you can do by including examples of what you have done well. Highlight examples of your work that show both HR screeners and technical hiring managers that you know what interests you and that you have what it takes.

For a start, what is wrong with this example?

ABC Engineering Company Columbia, MD Intern February-May 2019

Learned about embedded systems Responsible for writing a report


“Learned about….” How do we know that you actually learned anything? Instead, can you give an example of how you applied what you learned?

“Responsible for…” You were supposed to do it, but did you complete it? Was it any good?

Don’t just copy and paste the job description that lists what you were supposed to do every day. Don’t include subjective assessments of what you think you can do or what you learned. Instead, give concrete evidence of your contribution and how you used relevant tools and skills.

To write descriptive bullet points, first ask yourself the questions below:

Who? Who did the work – one individual, two people, or a team?

What? What was the subject matter or objective?

Why? Why was your work or project important? What was the purpose?

How? How did you do this work? What engineering tools or technical skills did you apply?

When? Did you beat a deadline or work within a certain timeframe?

How much? How can you quantify your work or results?

What happened? What happened to your work after you completed it? Did you give a presentation? To whom?

Big picture? What evidence do you have of the effectiveness or impact of your work?

Then, you can turn your answers into bullet points that effectively demonstrate the impact of your work:

ABC Engineering Company Columbia, MD Intern February-May 2019

Researched latest developments in embedded systems for large multi-national client of engineering consulting firm, using technical journals and interviews with professional engineers

Completed 20-page report on embedded systems one week ahead of schedule

Created slides in LaTeX Beamer, then conducted one hour oral presentation of findings for senior engineers and managers


In your bullet points, be sure to incorporate verbs that describe your specific actions. See the list on the next page for some inspiration.

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Resume Writing - Format & Aesthetics General Resume Format Your resume should be clear, simple yet aesthetically pleasing. Make it easy for the reader to find - [PDF Document] (6)

A c t i o n Wo r d L i s t

Supervise Change Research/Technical Communicate Office Activities Administered Adapted Analyzed Advertised Billed Controlled Adjusted Assembled Broadcasted Budgeted Coordinated Applied Assessed Consulted Completed Delegated Cut Built Contracted Distributed Demonstrated Eliminated Calculated Explained Documented Directed Implemented Catalogued Expressed Filed Governed Improved Charted Informed Kept Guided Increased Collected Interacted with Handled Headed Innovated Compared Interpreted Illustrated Led Installed Compiled Interviewed Obtained Managed Introduced Computed Instructed Operated Monitored Modified Constructed Lectured Packed Orchestrated Proposed Defined Marketed Processed Oversaw Reconfigured Diagnosed Met with Produced Presided Reconciled Edited Negotiated Purchased Programmed Reduced Engaged Publicized Ran Scheduled Remodeled Estimated Published Received

Reorganized Evaluated Presented Saved Assist Repaired Examined Referred Sold Accompanied Restored Extrapolated Related Shipped Collaborated with Revamped Forecasted Taught Typed Dealt with Revised Gathered Trained Guided Stimulated Identified Transmitted Create Helped Transformed Implemented Arranged Notified Indexed Efficiency Composed Performed Influence Inspected Accelerated Conceived Served Advised Investigated Applied Conceptualized Supported Convinced Isolated Expanded Designed

Counseled Maintained Expedited Developed Decision Dispatched Measured Facilitated Devised Activated Educated Observed Improved Drafted Approved Encouraged Organized Integrated Established Chose Guided Perceived Maintained Fabricated Decided Indoctrinated Pinpointed Reinforced Formulated Determined Innovated Planned Reduced Founded Enlisted Motivated Prepared Streamlined Generated Hired Negotiated Projected Implemented Ordered Orchestrated Recorded Achieve Initiated Recruited Persuaded Researched Attained Invented Resolved Promoted Reviewed Completed Launched Selected Recommended Screened Effected Made Specified Referred Solved Enlarged Opened

Stimulated Surveyed Exceeded Originated Show Suggested Synthesized Mastered Produced Conducted Supported Tested Participated in Set up Demonstrated Traced Produced Structured Exhibited Updated Provided Wrote Illustrated Succeeded Performed Won Proved Represented

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Resume Writing - Format & Aesthetics General Resume Format Your resume should be clear, simple yet aesthetically pleasing. Make it easy for the reader to find - [PDF Document] (7)

“ F e d e r a l i z i n g ” Yo u r P r i vat e s e c t o r R e s u m e

If you are a U.S. citizen interested in applying for internships, Pathways or full time positions for the U.S. Federal Government, you should adapt the resume you created in order to meet the government’s specific requirements.

How is a federal resume different from a private sector resume?

A federal resume is specific to a particular job opening, and often requires certain information that is not needed (or that you might include in a cover letter) in the private sector. It is generally 2-3 pages in length, but can be as many as 5-6 pages, in 11-12 point font. The federal hiring process requires more personal information to determine eligibility for positions, taking into account military experience, disabilities, and past federal experience. Your federal resume should incorporate keywords from the vacancy announcements, and detailed descriptions of your achievements for relevant projects and other experiences.

How do I create a federal resume? When you create an account at, you are given the option to upload or build a resume. We highly recommend using the Resume Builder. Give yourself plenty of time (3-4 hours) to create your first (template) resume using the builder. Before you start the resume builder, prepare a copy of your private sector resume that includes the information you

will need to add:

Work Experience –Employer name, mailing address, your job title, exact dates of employment, salary, and detailed duties and accomplishments.

Education – School name, location, major/ minor, degree seeking or awarded, credits completed, honors awarded upon graduation; relevant coursework, licensures or certifications. If requested or relevant to the position, you can include high school information.

References – You may add up to 5 references. Name, Employer, Job Title, Phone and Email. Indicate whether the person is a personal or professional reference.

Job Related Training – List titles and completion dates of training courses you’ve taken (besides the coursework you listed in Education) that are relevant to the position for which you are applying.

Language Skills – Indicate proficiency level for speaking, reading, and writing.

Organization/ Affiliation – List organization name and your role or affiliation if it is relevant to the position. May include volunteer work. No room for details here.

Professional Publications – Academic or industry journal publications, conference proceedings, etc.

Additional Information – Add information relevant to the position that did not fit under other categories, such as honors, awards, projects, competitions, leadership activities, skills (such as software proficiency or typing speed) or additional items requested in a specific job announcement.

Paste the information into the resume builder. Adapt your template resume in USA Jobs to include keywords and achievements that match each job announcement.

You can save up to five (5) resumes in your USAJobs account.

Additional Resources for Federal Resume Writing

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Resume Writing - Format & Aesthetics General Resume Format Your resume should be clear, simple yet aesthetically pleasing. Make it easy for the reader to find - [PDF Document] (8)

R e f e r e n c e s

It is a good idea to have a typed list of at least three professional references available when you apply to jobs or internships. Then, if you are asked for references as you apply or at the interview, you will be prepared.

Whom to Ask

References may include people such as former supervisors, professors, teaching assistants, or advisors. Choose people who can speak about your skills and abilities. Unless the application specifically asks for a personal reference, do not list a family member or friend as a reference.

How to Ask

First, ask the people you’d like to use if they can provide a reference for you if necessary. This way you can ensure that your references know to expect calls, and you can provide them with any details about your background and job search that may assist them. It is a good idea to provide your references with an up-to-date copy of your resume and the job description.

Building Good References

Participating in class and attending office hours to discuss the subject matter, rather than to complain about your grade or ask for extra credit, will help you build a positive professional relationship with faculty. Your genuine demonstration of curiosity may even lead to a research assistant opportunity.

Showing initiative and a willingness to learn at work, whether in an internship or part-time job, will help your supervisor remember you in a positive light. Keep in touch with your past supervisors and colleagues, so you keep up with each other’s professional paths.

S a m p l e R e f e r e n c e S h e e t

Have a reference sheet ready in case you need to provide it with your application or at an interview. Use the same heading and format as your resume. For each reference, include the: Full Name Current Job Title & Employer Work Mailing Address Email Phone Number You can also include a short statement

that indicates how you know the person. If a reference is outside the U.S., you may mention the time difference, or indicate if it is best to contact them by email (due to language or time difference).

Jane Doe 1234 Campus Drive · Smalltown, MD 20740

(123)456-7890 · [emailprotected]

References Mr. David Steel Branch Manager, Chevy Chase Bank 1341 Cherry Hill Road College Park, MD 20742 (301) 555-0123 [emailprotected] (Supervisor at 123 Bank) Dr. Ellen Setcher Asst. Professor, Department of Civil Engineering University of Maryland 1143 Glenn L. Martin Hall College Park, MD 20742 (301) 405-1234 [emailprotected]

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Resume Writing - Format & Aesthetics General Resume Format Your resume should be clear, simple yet aesthetically pleasing. Make it easy for the reader to find - [PDF Document] (9)

Career Workshops Engineering Career Services staff advisors lead interactive Resume workshops that help you learn how to write a resume for your engineering internship or job search or improve the one you already have. Occasionally, recruiters from companies that hire Clark School students will lead the workshops.

Resume Critiques It is always a good idea to have at least one other person look at your resume before you share it with a potential employer. A. James Clark School of Engineering students must have their resumes critiqued before they can access the Careers4Engineers portal.

Bring your printed resume in to get feedback from a peer or staff career advisor. Engineering Career Services | 1131 Glenn L. Martin Hall

Walk-in hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30-4:15. No appointment is necessary.

Recruiter-in-Residence Resume Clinics At the beginning of each semester, we offer “Recruiter-in-Residence” resume clinics, where you can sign up to have your resume critiqued by an employer or Clark School alum. Sign up via Careers4Engineers.

Beyond Engineering The University Career Center (3100 Hornbake Library) sponsors workshops and critiques for all University of Maryland students. See the Career Center’s web page, for more information.

M o r e R e s u m e W r i t i n g R e s o u r c e s

S h a r i n g Yo u r R e s u m e

Where will you be taking or sending your resume this year?

Career Fairs - Employer Information Sessions - Professional Networking Events If you will be sharing your resume with a person you meet face to face, print it on a good quality printer. Black ink on white paper is fine. Make more copies than you think you will need. Carry your resume copies in a padfolio or sturdy folder to keep the paper from getting wrinkled or stained.

Careers4Engineers - Employer Website - Job Search Portals - Email You will most likely apply for internships or jobs through an online portal. Be sure to follow any specific instructions regarding file formats. If no instructions are given, save your resume and supporting documents (cover letter, writing sample, unofficial transcript, etc.) as a .pdf before you upload them to the portal or attach them to an email.

Job Interviews

If you are invited to an interview for a job or internship, be sure to bring some copies of your most up-to-date resume. Sometimes, a few weeks (or months) pass from the time you apply to the time you actually meet with the hiring manager. Be sure to include updates on projects you’ve completed or other relevant new information.

On the next few pages, you can see sample resumes to give you some ideas on how to organize and format your own.

You may also find sample resumes online, in books at the library and at campus career centers.

Just be sure to make your resume your own - show employers what makes you uniquely qualified.

S a m p l e R e s u m e s

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Resume Writing - Format & Aesthetics General Resume Format Your resume should be clear, simple yet aesthetically pleasing. Make it easy for the reader to find - [PDF Document] (10)

Sample Resumes

Sample Resumes

Sample Resume - First Year Fall Semester

Sample Resume - First Year Spring Semester

Sample Resume – Second Year Resume

Sample Resume – Seeking Engineering Co-op Position

Sample Resume – Seeking Consulting Internship

Sample Resume – COVID-19 Example

Sample Resume – Seeking Co-op/Internship in Construction

Sample Resume – International Engineering

Sample Resume – Double Major/ Study Abroad

Sample Resume – Double Major/ Computer Science

Sample Resume – Entry Level Software Engineering

Sample Resume – Biotechnology (Medical Devices)

Sample Resume - Career Changer

Sample Resume – Alum Seeking Next Job

Sample Resume – USAJobs Resume Builder (Federal Position)

Sample Resume – First Year Master’s Student

Sample Resume – M.S. Chemical Engineering

Sample Resume – M.S. Chemical Engineering

Sample Resume – Ph.D. Electrical/Computer

Sample Resume – Ph.D. Electrical/Computer

Sample Resume – Ph.D. Bioengineering

Sample Resume – Ph.D. Bioengineering

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Resume Writing - Format & Aesthetics General Resume Format Your resume should be clear, simple yet aesthetically pleasing. Make it easy for the reader to find - [PDF Document] (11)

Sample Resume - First Year Fall Semester

Amaya A. Novato 387 Turtle Avenue, College Park, MD 20742

[emailprotected] ● (410) 123 - 4567


University of Maryland, College Park, MD GPA 3.0 B.S., Mechanical Engineering Expected May 2023 FLEXUS: Women in Engineering Living and Learning Community Expected Citation May 2021


UMD Over Sand Vehicle Project College Park, MD Structures Sub-team Leader Sept. 2019 – Present

Collaborate with a group of 8 students to design, build, and test an autonomous over sand vehicle on a budget of $350 within 3 months

Lead the structure sub team to build the structure and shell of the over sand vehicle according to size and weight specifications

Individually create full technical drawing of vehicle components on PTC Creo Parametric

PLTW Puzzle Cube Project Severna Park, MD CAD Subteam Leader Sept. 2017 – May 2019

Designed and constructed a wooden puzzle cube made up of 8 pieces for Project Lead the Way Engineering Program (PLTW)

Used hand drawn technical drawings and CAD programs SolidWorks and Inventor to design and plan puzzle before construction

Awarded a “challenging” level of difficulty for puzzle and was not able to be solved in less than 6 minutes during trials


Severna Park High School Tutoring Center Severna Park, MD Math Tutor Aug. 2018 – May 2019

Tutored peers in Algebra, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, and AP Calculus Worked one-on-one with each student to identify areas of weakness and gave the

instruction needed to allow students to effectively learn concepts Communicated student progress and student feedback to supervisor


Terrapin Theatre Troupe, Member Sept. 2019 – Present

Perform in on-campus theatre troupe that puts on two shows per semester The UMD Treblemakers, Member Sept. 2019 – Present

Sing in an all-female a cappella group on campus National Honor Society, Treasurer Sept. 2017 – May 2019

Maintained organization expenses and fundraisers, including management of concession stand at the Navy Football Stadium


PTC Creo Parametric, MATLAB, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint

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Resume Writing - Format & Aesthetics General Resume Format Your resume should be clear, simple yet aesthetically pleasing. Make it easy for the reader to find - [PDF Document] (12)

Sample Resume - First Year Spring Semester

Patrick Kagaku 1234 Campus Drive, Davidsonville, MD 21031 • (410) 410-4104

[emailprotected] •

EDUCATION University of Maryland College Park, MD

BS, Materials Science and Engineering (GPA: 4.0) Expected May 2023

HONORS Honors College, University Honors Citation Expected May 2023 Department of Materials Science Scholarship Sept. 2019–May 2020 MD State Scholarship for Academic Excellence Sept. 2019

TECHNICAL EXPERIENCE UMD Engineering Design Project College Park, MD

Over Sand Vehicle Sub-Group Leader Sept.–Dec. 2019

Managed a team of 5 students to design, build, and test an over sand vehicle, one of three vehicles out of 60 to successfully navigate the course

Programmed OSV to navigate within 250 mm of the edge of water pool, detect the water source, and transmit its pollution level

Determined power requirements of design and chose proper battery

Designed and constructed circuitry for vehicle using Arduino

Created Pro-Engineer design drawings and 3D printed axles and motor parts

Wrote and presented a 25 page design report to faculty

Work Lighthouse Pools Management, Inc. Hyattsville, MD

Experience Pool Operator and Manager May-Aug. 2016-2019

Mediated disputes arising between workers, delegated assignments to other lifeguards and created weekly work schedule

Managed pool cleanliness and ensured pool operated up to code Lifeguard May–Aug. 2015–2017

Promoted health and safety of pool patrons through enforcement of rules and maintenance of pool chemistry within the guidelines set by the county

Helped maintain pool cleanliness under supervision of manager

SKILLS Applications: Creo Parametrics, MatLab, Arduino, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint Languages: Korean (Fluent), American Sign Language (Conversant)

ACTIVITIES & AFFILIATIONS University of Maryland Repertoire Orchestra, Member Sept. 2019–Present

Club Table Tennis, Member Sept. 2019-Present

National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Member Sept. 2019–Present The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society, Member Sept. 2019–Present

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Resume Writing - Format & Aesthetics General Resume Format Your resume should be clear, simple yet aesthetically pleasing. Make it easy for the reader to find - [PDF Document] (13)

Sample Resume – Second Year Resume

Liliana A. Lopez [emailprotected], (301) 111-1234

School Address: 6223 La Plata Hall, College Park, MD 20742 Permanent Address: 65444 Brookline Way, Centerville, NJ 01208


University of Maryland College Park, MD B.S., Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering GPA 3.76 Anticipated May 2022

Barbara J. Dieter Scholarship, A. James Clark School of Engineering Awarded Sep. 2018


Software: Matlab, C++, ChemCAD, Microsoft Access, Excel Laboratory: Thin-Layer and Column Chromatography, Oscilloscope, Inorganic and Organic Synthesis Languages: Spanish (fluent), Portuguese (intermediate)

TECHNICAL EXPERIENCE________________________________________________________________

Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Laurel, MD Intern: Sentiment Extraction – Milton S. Eisenhower Research Center Jan., May – Aug. 2019

Researched natural language processing (NLP), specifically information extraction

Parsed sentences using Stanford typed dependency (SD) representation to extract textual relations

Developed feature set from tagged sentiment words for input into conditional random field (CRF)


University of Maryland Over Sand Vehicle Project College Park, MD Team Member Sept. – Dec. 2018

Collaborated with 6 team members to design and build an autonomous over sand vehicle that

successfully identified and analyzed debris in its path using Arduino programming

Constructed chassis and assembled final vehicle with two other sub team members

Presented formal design reports to engineering faculty using Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint

LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE_____________________________ _____

University of Maryland Office of Multiethnic Student Education College Park, MD Peer Tutor Jan. 2019 – Present

Provide walk-in tutoring for calculus and chemistry to undergraduate students

Society of Women Engineers Beach Town, CA Regional Collegiate Communications Editor (RCCE) Oct. 2018

Demonstrated new and more efficient blog format to 200 senior members at national meeting


Mechanical Engineering Honor Society, Pi Tau Sigma, Member Jan. 2019 – PresentUniversity of Maryland Terp Runners Club, Member Sept. 2018 – Present

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Resume Writing - Format & Aesthetics General Resume Format Your resume should be clear, simple yet aesthetically pleasing. Make it easy for the reader to find - [PDF Document] (14)

Sample Resume – Seeking Engineering Co-op Position

KEITH HERMANDAD 28 Terrapin Dr., Springfield, IL 21209 • (555) 555-5555 • [emailprotected]


University of Maryland: A. James Clark School of Engineering College Park, MD B.S. Electrical Engineering (3.5 GPA) Expected May 2022


ITT- Advanced Engineering and Sciences Bowie, MD Technical Intern Level 4 – Algorithm Team Member May – Aug. 2018 Completed the traceability of the engineering analysis for the Spectrum Management

Transition Initiative (SMTI) project. Aided head engineer of algorithm team in the creation of technical engineering


Software Unlimited, Inc. Baltimore, MD Technician May – Aug. 2016, 2017 Assisted an algorithm team in creating technical specifications under direct supervision

of the head engineer for ITT. Updated medical software to the latest version of Medical Mastermind, a powerful

medical-practice management product, at over three hundred doctor offices.


Honors College: Gemstone Research Program Citation Expected May 2022 Selected to participate in a four-year interdisciplinary research program for high

performing honors students at the University of Maryland. Submitted design proposals as part of a 6 member team for a global positioning system

and inertial navigation unit to provide walking directions from building to building. Initiated data collection for global positioning operation and communication protocol.


Alpha Sigma Phi, Fraternity College Park, MD

Philanthropy Chair May 2019 – Present Established a community basketball tournament, which raised over $4000 for the

Livestrong Foundation.

Recruitment Committee Member Jan. – May 2019 Collaborated with Vice President in writing amendment to local chapter constitution that

clearly defined fraternity’s judicial system. One of 25 members selected to attend 2018 Ralph F. Burns Leadership Institute.


Proficient: MATLAB, AutoCAD, MicroStation, Creo Parametric, Robotics Lab, MS Excel Exposure: HTML and Java

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Sample Resume – Seeking Consulting Internship

1234 Turtles Road, Newark, NJ 07101

862.222.5555 - [emailprotected]

Education University of Maryland College Park, MD GPA: 3.62

B.S. Fire Protection Engineering Expected May 2021

Banneker Key Scholar Awarded August 2017

Quality Enhancement Systems and Teams (QUEST) April 2018- Present

Selected for competitive interdisciplinary quality management program that focuses on customer

value management, process and product design, problem solving, project management,

customer satisfaction, and teamwork.

Collaborated with a team of 6 students for Unilever in order to establish a Foreign Material

Reduction Plan, utilizing several Six Sigma and Lean strategies.

Experience Accenture Federal Services, Intern Arlington, VA May - August 2019

Analyzed business management process in order to deliver solutions based on critical industry


Delivered weekly presentations to clients to help develop a wide range of knowledge about

innovative software technologies in business management

Digital Management, Inc., Intern Bethesda, MD January 2018

Developed digital management process to effectively store customer data, minimizing

processing errors

Researched complex U.S. Government IT Services market, and presented a thorough analysis of

competition to clients

Naval Systems Missions, Intern Washington, DC May – August 2018

Applied high-expansion foam to mission equipment as a fire suppressant using a modified,

closed cup burner apparatus.

Visited client sites and facilitated workshops focused on applying high-expansion foam product

to customer devices

Observed data from full-scale, low-expansion foam pool fire experiments and delivered

recommendations in order to ensure safety of delivered products

Honors and Awards College Park Scholars, Public Leadership Program August 2017

Salamander Membership Honorary Fire Protection Engineering Society April 2018

Activities Society of Fire Protection Engineers, Member August 2018 – Present

University of Maryland Jewish Muslim Alliance, Member August 2017 - Present

Mighty Sound of Maryland Marching Band, Pep Band August 2017 - Present

Computer Skills Adobe Photoshop, InDesign; LabView; Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher)

Emily Strazak

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Sample Resume – COVID-19 Example

ANTHONY JONES 123-456-7890 • [emailprotected]

8000 Boteler Lane, College Park, MD 20740

EDUCATION University of Maryland College Park, MD B.S. Bioengineering , GPA: 3.98 Expected May 2021

Dean’s List: Spring 2019, Fall 2018, Spring 2018 SKILLS Laboratory: Bacterial culture, Stem cell culture, Gel Electrophoresis, ELISA, FRET, Western

Blotting Software: MATLAB, LabView, Microsoft Office Suite TECHNICAL EXPERIENCE Pfizer College Park, MD Intern (Offer Accepted, Rescinded by Company Due to COVID-19.) May 2020 – July 2020

NIH Oncology Lab College Park, MD Researcher Jan. 2018 – May 2018

Determined potential of an unknown drug as a cancer treatment by identifying apoptosis in HL60 Leukemia cells.

Performed Cell Viability dye-Exclusion, Mitochondrial Membrane, Annexin V/Propidium Iodide, and Colorimetric Caspase Activity Assays, as well as Western Blotting to monitor caspase and antibody activity of HL60 cells treated with drug.

LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE University of Maryland – Virology Laboratory College Park, MD Group Member Jan. 2020 – Present

Researched potential antibodies for COVID-19 on a team of 6 other undergraduate students

Utilized ELISA in order to test coronavirus binding affinity to well documented viral antibodies

Proposed experimental plan to contribute towards characterizing COVID-19 in a 20-page design report & one hour presentation to UMD and NIH faculty

Meals on Wheels Silver Spring, MD Volunteer March 2020 – Present

Helped deliver groceries to homebound elderly that could not safely purchase their own

Coordinated with other volunteers to strategize and use proper safety measures ACTIVITIES & AFFILIATIONS Alumni Cup, Bioengineering Team, Rube Goldberg Machine Competition Feb. 2018 Engineering World Health – General Body Secretary Sept. 2018 – Present Biomedical Engineers Society – Member Sept. 2017 – Present

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Sample Resume – Seeking Co-op/Internship in


Olivia S. Erbauer

Education University of Maryland College Park, MD Expected Dec 2021 B.S. Civil Engineering GPA: 3.0

Montgomery Community College Rockville, MD May 2019 A.S. Mechanical Engineering (Honors Program)

Internship Experience

Bechtel—Engineering Intern Reston, VA June - Aug 2020

Offer Accepted. Offer Rescinded by Company Due to COVID-19.

Clark Construction—Engineering Intern San Francisco, CA May - Aug 2019

Developed a database to be used for future bids by collecting, sorting, and analyzing a wide variety of data from previous projects.

Generated Requests for Information of concrete related inquires by utilizing Google Slides and Microsoft Office

Tracked supplies and financials by keeping inventory of multiple subcontractor deliveries through the utilization of logs, saving the project over $1,500.

Technical Projects

Civil 3D Gravity Pipe Network—Independent Project Frederick, MD July 2020

Utilized AutoCAD Civil 3D to design a gravity pipe network and compute energy and hydraulic grade lines through analysis of rainfall data

Reviewed results of calculations graphically in a .csv file and modified network according to results

Energy Efficient House Design Project—Team Leader College Park, MD Sep - Dec 2019

Designed and constructed a small scale energy efficient house to explore sustainability ideas under a $500 budget on a team of four.

Individually calculated and investigated size and quantity of solar panels affordable and realistic for the roof

Presented 20 page design report to board of six engineering professors.

Work Experience

Department of Transportation Services—Student Driver College Park, MD Aug 2019 - Present

Coordinate timely and reliable UM-Shuttle transit service involving over 30 vehicles to about 260,000 riders.

The Greene Turtle—Wait Staff Frederick, MD May 2017 - Aug 2019

Provided customers with quality service while working in a fast-paced, high pressure environment.

Activities and Affiliations

Alpha Omega Epsilon, Women in Engineering Sorority—Sister April 2020 - Present Maryland Club Soccer Team—Team Captain Sep 2019 - Present


Engineering: PTC Creo, AutoCAD Civil 3D, SolidWorks, Arduino, SFRAME, FlowMaster Other: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project Professional

123 Terrapin Way

College Park, MD 20742



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Sample Resume – International Engineering

BEKELE D. WILSON [emailprotected] • (301) 555-5555 • Small Town, MD 12345


University of Maryland College Park, MD B.S., Aerospace Engineering GPA: 3.8 Expected May 2021 Minor, Global Engineering Leadership

Leadership in Engineering, Business, and Technology, Research Assistant UAE, Qatar UMD Short-Term Study Abroad Jan. 2018

Researched development of projects and global leadership structure of Nakheel, Dubai RTA, the Louvre, Masdar City, and MSHEIRB Properties.

Collaborated with Carnegie Melon, Qatar students for GOALS leadership symposium to develop and present global leadership model.


UMD Burkina Faso Water Project, Team Member College Park, MD Engineers Without Borders Aug. 2018–Present

Collaborated with a group of students and professional engineers to design a viable water extraction system for a village in Burkina Faso.

Aided in the design of the water storage tank and water distribution system.

UMD Supersonic Wedge Model, Independent Research and Design College Park, MD Special Topics in Wind Tunnel Testing Sept. 2017–Present

Researched, designed, and tested a wedge model for use in a Mach 2.2 wind tunnel.

Analyzed shockwave patterns produced using a color schlieron system.

UMD Satellite Trajectory Analysis, Project Team Member College Park, MD Space Navigation and Guidance Sept. 2018–Dec. 2018

Used telescope observations to plot the trajectory of several satellites.

Executed coordinate transformations using MATLAB algorithms to determine trajectories.

UMD Bridge Design Team, Project Team Co-Leader College Park, MD Statics Jan. 2018–May 2018

Led a team of 8 students to design, fabricate, and test a functional prototype of a wooden bridge designed to optimize the strength-to-weight ratio on a 3 week deadline.

Placed 2nd out of 15 teams for the best strength-to-weight ratio.


Engineering: Pro Engineer, Inventor, EES, MATLAB, COMSOL, SolidWorks, FEA experience Platforms: Windows 7/8/10, iOS, Linux Languages: Arabic (intermediate), Amharic (conversational)


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Member 2018-Present

International Leadership Association, Student Member 2017-Present

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Sample Resume – Double Major/ Study Abroad

Calvin Hernandez • [emailprotected] D.O.D. SECRET CLEARANCE 1234 Testudo Rd, College Park, MD 20740 (301) 456-7890

EDUCATION University of Maryland, College Park, MD Expected May 2021 B.S., Aerospace Engineering GPA: 3.565 B.S., Mechanical Engineering Minor in International Engineering

Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain March – July 2018 Shadowed engineers at Airbus Military’s Flight Test Center in Getafe, Spain while

studying aerospace engineering courses in English

SKILLS Catia V5 CAD Pro/Engineer CAD


MATLAB C++ Programming

RELATED EXPERIENCE Simulation-Based System Design Laboratory College Park, MD Undergraduate Research Assistant March – August 2019 Created detailed 3-D components of virtual reality environments via CAD software programs

for a DARPA research project Utilized Python and Minitab in order to evaluate effectiveness of 3-D components in the

virtual environment

Battelle National Biodefense Institute Frederick, MD Engineering Intern May 2019 – August 2019 Edited building drawings, labeled room numbers on exhaust valves, and reviewed AutoCAD

drawings and submittals for an autoclave move

Helped orchestrate a preventative maintenance program for the Facility Operations group, minimizing facility downtime by 20%

Terps Racing (SAE) College Park, MD Baja SAE Vehicle Build; Project Team Leader October 2015 – May 2018 Modified previous year’s Baja car for Birmingham, Alabama water event, converting it into

amphibious ATV to traverse a 1-km W-shaped pond and road courses

Placed 4th out of 49 universities in the main event, a four-hour endurance race MEMBERSHIPS AND ACTIVITIES

American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics September 2018 – Present Black Engineering Society, Events Coordinator September 2018 – Present UMD Intramural Soccer September 2018 – Present

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Sample Resume – Double Major/Computer Science

Robert Hwaiting

123 Campus Drive, College Park, MD 20742 | 123-456-7890 | [emailprotected]


University of Maryland, College Park, MD Expected May 2021 B.S., Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science GPA: 3.55

Honors College, University Honors


Software: Java, C/C++, Assembly, Ruby, OCaml, Matlab, Eclipse, SWIFT, SQL, Linux/Unix Engineering: Solidworks, Pro Engineer, Autodesk Inventor, Excel, Word, Outlook


NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD Software Development Intern May 2019 – August 2019

Analyzed trends in the Mars Rover’s mass spectrometer data through test-driven software development strategies in Java

Executed test procedures and documented results to ensure software system requirements are met

Implemented mergesort and quicksort algorithms for processing large data sets

Improved data processing tools in a command-line UNIX environment

Sikorsky Aircraft West Palm Beach, FL Flight Test Instrumentation Intern May 2017 – August 2017

Worked with a team of technicians to ensure accuracy of instrumentation measurements through pre-flight evaluations

Troubleshot imprecise data readings through sensor and remote calibrations

UMD Electronics Project College Park, MD Individual Project April 2017

3D printed and programmed a 3-axis robotic arm to pick up and throw a ball

Designed the arm using Solidworks and programmed an Arduino to control a motor, using a joystick


UMD Bitcamp Hackathon College Park, MD Transportation Coordinator August 2018 – Present

Lead communication across universities in the east coast, to organize transportation for 400 students

Handle transportation related finances and booked flights and buses for multiple universities

UMD Terps Racing College Park, MD Instrumentation Lead August 2017 – May 2019

Coordinated a team of 8 students to instrument the chassis of a formula one race car

Led communication across programmers and technicians to successfully install strain gauges, accelerometers, and pressure transducers under time and budget constraints


Pi Tau Sigma, Mechanical Engineering Honor Society Aug. 2019 – Present Mighty Sound of Maryland, Marching Band May 2018 – Present

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Sample Resume – Entry Level Software Engineering

1234 Main Street, NW 123-456-7890 Washington, DC 12312 [emailprotected] EDUCATION

University of Maryland

B.S. Computer Engineering, GPA: 3.3

College Park, MD

Expected May 2020

ACES: Cybersecurity Honors Program

SKILLS C/C++, Ruby, Java, OCaml, Prolog, Verilog Assembly (Mips, y86), SQL Parse Firebase, MongoDB,

Windows 7/8, iOS, Android, Ubuntu, Linux, Labview, PSpice, ProEngineer


Google Inc. Seattle, WA

Software Development Intern May – Aug. 2018

Wrote automated Quality Analysis test scripts for study features on website utilizing Selenium and


Refactored a large portion of website (3.5 million+ users), migrating logic from client to server, and

creating customized views and paging mechanisms to display it

Added quizzing to the Android application (100k+ downloads), using RESTful web services to

generate content and creating customized views and paging mechanisms to display it

Developed and integrated post-processing compression function reducing storage requirements by


NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD

Software Development Intern May – Aug. 2018, 2019

Designed Java tools that perform procedures such as remapping, shrinking, and filtering of sensor

data collected from the Suomi NPP Satellite, to aid scientific community in analytics of weather


Analyzed effectiveness of Hadoop Distributed File System over current file structure, comparing

metrics for common operations such as reading, writing, and copying of large data sets

Presented products and findings at Poster Session to familiarize NASA colleagues and manager

HackMIT Boston, MA

Team Member May 2018

Awarded Audience Choice out of 54 total projects for Android mobile application that dynamically

sets an alarm for the user based on a specified appointment with a time and location

Payper – Web/Android App College Park, MD

Individual Project Aug. – Sep. 2017

Converted digital currency into physical bills redeemable through scanning QR codes

PennApps Winner of “Most Consumer-Friendly Bitcoin Hack”


Terrapin Hackers, President May 2019 – Present

Association for Women in Computing, Active Member Sep. 2018 – Present

UMD Gamer’s Orchestra, Harpist Sep. 2018 – Present

Intramural Quidditch Club, Active Member Sep. 2018 – Present

Society of Women Engineers, Director of Social Events Apr. 2018 – Mar. 2019

Caitlyn Barmaji

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Sample Resume – Biotechnology (Medical Devices)

ANA CAMARGO 8000 Boteler Lane, College Park, MD 20740 • 123-456-7890 • [emailprotected]


University of Maryland College Park, MD B.S., Bioengineering GPA: 3.52 Expected Dec. 2020

Relevant Coursework: Bioinstrumentation, Biomaterials, Biomechanics, Computer-Aided Design, Modeling Physiological Systems


CREO Parametric, Pro/Engineer, Solidworks, Autodesk Inventor, MATLAB, NX 8.5 (exposure), C programming (exposure), FEA, CAD (exposure), Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)


A.J. Drexel Plasma Institute May 2017 – Jan. 2018 Research Assistant Camden, NJ

Managed bacterial cultures and executed projects modeling applications of FE- DBD plasma in microbiology sterilization.

Evaluated applications in hand sanitization, spore growth inhibition, and infection prevention post optical surgery.


Respiratory Monitor Design Aug. 2018 – May 2019 Team Leader College Park, MD

Led a team of five multidisciplinary undergraduate and graduate students to design and prototype an infant respiratory monitor for neonatal care units in developing nations.

Drafted circuit schematics of respiratory monitor by utilizing hand-drawings and CAD.

Conceptualized universal user interface and device’s foot strap design.

Air Force One Model Jan. 2018 Team Member College Park, MD

Modeled a scaled replica of the Air Force One model of the Boeing 747-200B in a team of six engineers.

Individually drafted the vertical stabilizer and rudder in CREO Parametric 2.0.

Compiled a 20-page design report with 2D drawings and bill of materials, and a presentation with flight simulation.

Human Movement Risk Assessment Sep. 2017 – Dec. 2018 Team Member College Park, MD

Analyzed tendon and muscle data to determine the risk of injury to the ACL, patellar tendon, and quadriceps muscles.

Individually created Force Body diagrams to demonstrate the direction and magnitude of musculoskeletal forces.


Engineering World Health, General Body Secretary Sept. 2018 – Present

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Sample Resume - Career Changer

Janel Walker 123 Terrapin Terrace, College Park, MD 20742

301.555.5000 ● [emailprotected]

Civil Engineer with computer-aided drafting (CAD), design training and a background in business. Firsthand experience applying engineering principles to develop cost-effective

solutions to design problems.


o Structural Analysiso Engineering Materialso Geometrics and GISo Geotechnical Engineering

o Project Managemento Fluent Spanish & French


Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering Expected Dec. 2022 University of Maryland, College Park, MD Major GPA: 3.2, Cumulative GPA: 2.9

Bachelor of Science, International Business May 2016 University of Maryland, College Park, MD GPA: 3.8


Engineering Without Borders May 2018 - Present

Project Leader Quito, Ecuador

Coordinated a team of eighteen volunteers to analyze soil data during the four-week construction phase, successfully installing 39 household latrines

U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon Jan. – Oct. 2018 UMD Team Construction Group Member College Park, MD

Solicited over $50,000 in donations of free and reduced-cost building materials from company representatives at the 2011 International Builder’s Show

Performed friction testing on footings to analyze lateral load capacity; conducted compression testing on sample concrete cylinders to determine breaking strengths

Received People’s Choice Award and placed 8th overall out of fifty teams

Introduction to Engineering Design Bridge Anti-Icing Project Aug. – Dec. 2018 Project Team Member College Park. MD

Designed, built, and tested a functional prototype of an autonomous bridge de-icing system

Presented final design to panel of faculty and professional engineers

Hilton Worldwide Aug. 2016 – Oct. 2017 International Sales Representative New York, NY

Responded to sales inquiries, initiated new sales, and solicited potential clients

Negotiated multi-million dollar contract with international professional association


Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), Active Member Jan 2019 – Present American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Secretary Sep. 2018 – May 2017

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Sample Resume – Alum Seeking Next Job

LUKE BATTLE 1205 Alumni Fancy Street, Washington, DC 20001

(202) 987-6543 • [emailprotected]

CONSULTANT | PROJECT MANAGER Product Design | Mechanical Engineering | Research & Development

Entrepreneur and product developer with a technical background and two years of consulting experience. Demonstrated expertise in business operations, quality control, budget analysis management, and negotiations and contract development. Strengths include:

Quality Management

Bid Development & Contract Administration

Staff Leadership & Resource Management

Product Design Engineering


C/C++ Based Arduino



Autodesk Inventor


Microsoft Excel (Macros)

SQL queries


UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND College Park, MD BS, Mechanical Engineering May 2016 Department of Engineering Chairman’s Award Minor in Technology Entrepreneurship, Hinman CEOs Entrepreneurship Program


BIG GOVERNMENT CONSULTING Washington, DC Senior Consultant | Engineering Manager January 2018 - Present

Manage large scale projects including IT upgrades, HVAC installations, office renovations, and facilities operations

Gather customer requirements, write statements of work, budget project funds, and drive schedule

Review Architecture and Engineering design drawings for accuracy, feasibility, and code compliance

Ensured submitted plans complied with ASHRAE, IBC, OSHA, and client-developed standards

Presented three final project reports to senior leads and successfully gained closed projects

PRIVATE TECH CONSULTING CORPORATION Reston, VA Associate Consultant August 2016 - January 2018

Utilized agile development methodology to design and deliver custom business process management applications in a fast paced environment

Used a Java based framework and MySQL database language to aggregate and analyze business data

Recognized by department for role in ensuring that the application was pushed to production on time

US GOVERNMENT, FACILITIES ENGINEERING Washington, DC Project Manager Intern May - August, 2014 & 2015

Acted as point of contact for all facilities planning and ad hoc needs of executive level offices

Oversaw the implementation of a recovery effort from an unexpected facilities crisis within 12 hour window

Reviewed design drawings, drafted two Statements of Work, and acted as point of contact for contractors

UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, MICRO- ROBOTICS LABORATORY College Park, MD Product Developer January 2014 - May 2014

Created fitness tracking workout gloves that communicate exercise data via Bluetooth Low Energy

Developed a wiring schematic, designed a Printed Circuit Board, and constructed PCB in laboratory

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Sample Resume – USAJobs Resume Builder (Federal


MS. Teresa M. Montgomery 2345 Gamely Rd. Wilmington, DE 19810 US Mobile: (202) 456-7890 - Ext: 123 Email: [emailprotected]

Availability: Job Type: Permanent, Temporary, Summer, Presidential Management Fellows, Recent Graduates, Intermittent, Internships, Telework

Work Schedule: Full-Time

Desired locations: United States - Washington DC, College Park, MD, Greenbelt, MD, Atlanta, GA

Work Experience: University of Maryland Multiscale Measurements Laboratory Engineering Building 2 College Park, MD 20742 United States

05/2018 - Present Hours Per Week: 15 Undergraduate Research Fellow Duties, Accomplishments and Related Skills:

Create multifunctional sandwich composites inspired by Palmetto Wood Design composites with a charge-holding foam core to act as batteries

Education: University of Maryland College Park, MD United States Some College Coursework Completed GPA: 3.74 of a maximum 4.0 Credits Earned: 128 Semester hours Major: Mechanical Engineering Minor: Project Management Relevant Coursework, Licenses and Certifications:

Intro to MATLAB, Programming for Mechanical Engineering, Thermodynamics, Materials Science I

Affiliations: Alpha Omega Epsilon Professional Engineering Sorority - Member

Additional Information: LEADERSHIP: Department of Resident Life, University of Maryland Math Coach, September 2016 – Present

SKILLS & CERTIFICATIONS: Programming in Matlab, C++ AutoCAD, PSpice, Microsoft Excel FE/ EIT Certification, August 2018

HONORS & AWARDS: L-3 Communications Scholarship, received August 2016

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Sample Resume – First Year Master’s Student

Dana Pillai 1234 Testudo Ln, College Park, MD 20740 | (301)555-5555 | [emailprotected]


University of Maryland College Park, MD

MS, Telecommunications Engineering Expected May 2020

Relevant Coursework: Networking Protocols, Wireless OFDM Systems, Decision Modeling,

Advanced Wireless Communications Networks, AWS/PCS System Implementation

Visveswaraya Technological University Bangalore, India

BE, Telecommunication and Electronics May 2017

First Class Honors, top 5% of class


Programming: C++, SQL, SQL Server 2010, HTML, XML, JavaScript, MATLAB

Protocols: TCP-IP, RIPv1, RIPv2, EIGRP, OSPF, BGP

Tools: SPSS Tool, WireShark, MaxPlan


WISPY, InSSIDer, WI-FI Scanner College Park, MD

Independent Project September 2018

Inspected WLAN of University of Maryland and personal home access points, as well as the

surrounding networks.

Troubleshot the access points for higher dBm, playing with frequency spectrum and channels

using the tool Channel, RSSI, and “Time Last Seen”.

Mobile Communications Ltd. Bangalore, India

Technical Engineer July 2016 – July 2018

Collaborated with marketing department to redesign coverage-extension sites to enhance

company competitiveness.

Developed network capacity growth plans and designed 24 new sites to offload capacities from

existing sites.

Led design of 65 coverage-extension sites and optimization of 120 on-air sites.


McKeldin Library College Park, MD

IT Office Assistant August 2018 – Present

Developed a software tool “BSR – Advance” for database maintenance.


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Bangalore, India

Event Organizer/Coordinator September 2014 – May 2017

Increased attendance at IEEE tech fest and cultural festival by 15% over two years.

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Sample Resume – M.S. Chemical Engineering

ROHIT T. MOHAMMAD 123 Graduate Dr., #123 (123)456-7890 College Park, MD 20740 [emailprotected]


UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND M.E. Chemical Engineering

GPA: 3.7

College Park, Maryland Expected May 2020

UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA B.S. Chemical Engineering, Business Minor Magna cum Laude

GPA: 3.8

Charlottesville, Virginia May 2015


Software: MATLAB, MathCAD, ASPEN, ANSYS, Expert Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint)

Laboratory: Gas Chromatography, organic synthesis & purification, HPLC, atomic absorption


ABC DEVELOPMENT July 2015-August 2017 Energy Sector Analyst

Verification of Enhanced Oil Recovery Audits Toronto, Canada

Assessed whether the quantity of offsets generated was characterized accurately by evaluating calculation methodologies, re-performing direct and indirect emissions calculations, and analyzing P&IDs of the injection and production facility.

Identified compressor seals and CO2 dissolved in stored crude as the missing emission sources that accounted for 22% of the total emissions from the site.

Greenhouse Gas Emission and Sinks Inventory, Oil and Gas Sector Washington, DC

Established the uncertainties associated with each emission source using @RISK, a Monte Carlo simulator capable of performing risk analysis in Excel spreadsheets.

Improved the U.S. Inventory by researching and quantifying the emissions reductions from technologies and processes reported by Natural Gas STAR Partners to enhance the assumptions and the resulting emissions estimates.

Recommended statistical methods to validate the emissions profile of a facility and estimated expected ranges for data elements collected through reporting.

Measurement Study for Indian Natural Gas Industry Bhopal, India

Designed Excel-based tools to aggregate emissions data into a comprehensive emissions inventory and perform economic analysis of mitigation options for the major emission sources; analysis revealed savings of $3.75 million.

Presented the results of the measurement study and mitigation options to EPA client in a technical presentation.

Rohit Mohammad, pg. 1 of 2

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Sample Resume – M.S. Chemical Engineering

Energy Performance Benchmarking and Conservation Potential Washington, DC

Established a baseline energy consumption profile for equipment used in transmission processing of oil and gas by researching Title V permits, vendor documents, and by using engineering calculations.

Developed an estimate of potential energy savings by creating a database of conservation methods and using a proprietary calculation platform.

Climate Business Opportunities Washington, DC

Identified key investment opportunities to target as climate change and sustainability become increasingly important in developing countries.

Inventoried and projected the growth of emissions from the oil and gas industry in developing countries based on key market metrics.

Estimated reduction potential for emissions by evaluating the implementation of mitigation technologies, including the potential for miniaturized gas-to-liquid technologies.

Conducted a rigorous search of potential companies within the target regions that met the client’s stringent investment criteria.

ABC ENERGY PARTNERS Bethesda, MD Project Coordinator June 2013 - June 2015

Delivered technical presentations on emission mitigation technologies and practices and provided logistical support for numerous technology transfer workshops.

Researched and organized data on process units at refineries

Calculated the equivalent distillation capacity of each refinery in the U.S. that took into consideration the complexity of process units at each refinery.


PETROLEUM INSTITUTE Abu Dhabi, U.A.E Research Assistant June - August 2012

Established a theoretical formalism linking thermal and visco-elastic properties of crude oil used in reservoir simulations and enhanced oil recovery methods.

Published results of research:

– Ayaz, A.; Masters, R.T., Temperature dependent thermodynamic and thermo-elastic properties of crude oil. Journal of Engineering Topics 2012, vol. 5, pp 123-145.

– Masters, R.T., Perez, P., Visco-elastic and dielectric relaxation studies of crude oil. Petroleum Science and Technology 2013, vol.21, pp 234-344.


American Institute of Chemical Engineers September 2011 - Present Association of Energy Engineers May 2013 - Present Tau Beta Pi Honor Society September 2012 – May 2013

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Sample Resume – Ph.D. Electrical/Computer

92 Elm St.

Alexis E. Watson


Apt # 6 [emailprotected]

Greenbelt, MD 20770

Education Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Communication Expected: 5/2021

University of Maryland, College Park, MD GPA: 3.91/4.0

M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Control Systems 9/2015

Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran GPA: 3.81/4.0

B.S. in Electrical Engineering 5/2013

Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran GPA: 3.78/4.0

Computer Skills Platforms: Unix, Linux, DOS, Windows XP/2000/NT, and VAX/VMS

Languages: C/C++, Java, MATLAB, Verilog, Assembly and C for Texas Instruments DSP processors,

Assembly and C for embedded systems and Intel x86 Assembly

Software: Network Simulator (NS2) GloMoSim, CPLEX, and Qualnet

Experience Graduate Research Assistant, ECE Department, College Park, MD 8/2017 - Present

Conduct research on dynamical behavior of TCP traffic in IP networks, and developed award winning

CDMA Aggregate Perturbation (CAP) technology for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Internet

attacks (C/C++, MATLAB, TCL and NS2 code).

Lead the design team of a library of signal processing blocks in Verilog. Designed and implemented

Dataflow/RTL and gate level realization DSP blocks including FIR and IIR filters.

Implement both the transmitter and receiver of a V22bis modem according to the ITU-T

recommendations based on the Texas Instruments TMS320C30 DSPs (C and TI Assembly Code).

Control System Designer, MKK Control Systems (founder), Tehran, Iran 8/2015 - 7/2017

Designed front-end of an embedded system of an autonomous process controller, which is currently

being mass produced and has been installed in more than 100 plants.

Control System Design Chief Engineer, Fan-Niroo Company, Tehran, Iran 8/2015 - 8/2017

Designed and implemented a control, emergency shutdown and process visualization system.

Oversaw extensive hardware design of digital and analog control boards and implementation of

programming in C/C++ and X86 Assembly.

Awards and Leadership First Place Award of Business Plan Competition, University of Maryland, 2017, for MacroPhage

Networks (With Prof. M. Shayman and Dr. M. Alasti).

Received $50,000 University Technology Development Fund (UTDF), Maryland Technology

Development Corporation (TEDCO), 12/2016. (With Prof. M. Shayman).

President, University of Maryland Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Student Association

(ECEGSA), 2016 -2017.

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Sample Resume – Ph.D. Electrical/Computer

U.S. Patent and Invention Disclosure

Method for Quantifying Responsiveness of Flow Aggregates to Packet Drops in A Communication

Network (US pending patent number 123456789).

Using Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum to Determine Responsiveness of a TCP Aggregate to Packet

Drops, reported to the Office of Technology Commercialization, University of Maryland, 4/2017, Ref.

No. IS-1111-000.

Selected Publications

M. Shayman, R. Gahremanpour, R. Skoog, N. Jasinski and A.E.Watson., “Network Management and

Control Mechanisms to Prevent Maliciously Induced Network Stability,” Proc. 8th IEEE/IFIP Network

Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS-2018).

A.E.Watson, K. Gallichio, and M. Shayman, “Mitigation of Denial of Service Attacks in the Internet,”

Proc. 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC-2015).

Research Proposals /Grants

“Routing and Topology Design of Hierarchical Sensor Networks” With Prof. Mark Shayman, ECE

Department of the University of Maryland, Submitted to NSF Sensornet program 1/2017.

“CDMA-Based Mitigation of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks” With Prof. Mark Shayman,

ECE Department of the University of Maryland, Submitted to NSF NetS program 4/2016.

Professional Activities/Affiliations Paper Reviewer, INFOCOM 2017

Paper Reviewer, International Conference on Communication (ICC) 2016 and 2018

Member, Scientific Research Society (Sigma Xi)

Student Member, IEEE

Relevant Graduate Courses

University of Maryland: Random Processes in Communications and Control, Multi-User

Communication, Wireless Communication, Digital Communications, Detection and Estimation Theory,

Digital Computer Design, CAD of Digital Systems, Advanced Digital System Design

Sharif University of Technology: Switching Systems, Information Theory, Data Communication

Networks, Object Oriented Programming, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Sets, Adaptive

Control, Multi Variable Control, Optimal Control, Robust Control, Robotic Manipulators, Nonlinear

and Digital Control, Discrete Signal Processing, Operation Research, Abstract Algebra

Additional Information

In The Media: “UM Business Plan Competition Could Launch Next Google,” 5/3/2017. Received

favorable comments about MacroPhage Networks and the CAP technology. Covered by PR Newswire,

CBS MarketWatch, NBC, National Hispanic Corporate Council, and The Gazette.

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Sample Resume – Ph.D. Bioengineering


19 Some Fake Ct. Elkridge, MD 21075

[emailprotected] 301-555-7890


Ph.D., Bioengineering Anticipated May 2020 University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Advanced to Candidacy, Nov. 2016 GPA 4.0/4.0

B.S., Chemical Engineering May 2015 University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Summa Cum Laude, with Engineering Honors GPA 4.0/4.0


UMD Doctoral Dissertation Research Baltimore, MD

Researcher Jun. 2017 - Present

Investigate poly (amido amine) dendrimers as oral drug carriers of anticancer therapeutics.

Assess cytotoxicity, cellular uptake and transepithelial permeability of dendrimers and dendrimer-drug conjugates using in vitro Caco-2 cell model

Independently determined impact of PEGylation of dendrimers on dendrimer transport, uptake and interactions with epithelial tight junctions.

Co-wrote book chapter: R. Kolhatkar, D. McGraw, and H. Ghandehari, “Functionalized Dendrimers as Nanoscale Drug Carriers,” in Multifunctional Pharmaceutical Nanocarriers, V. Torchilin (ed), Springer, 2012, pp. 201-232.

Presented research poster at conference: D. McGraw, R. Kolhatkar and H. Ghandehari. “PEGylation of Anionic PAMAM Dendrimers: Implications for Oral Delivery.” Poster presentation, 35th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society, New York, NY, July 12-16, 2009.

UMD Undergraduate Research Project College Park, MD

Intern Aug. 2012 - Apr. 2015

Completed a competitive, NSF-funded, Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) summer internship program and then continued research project as an undergraduate research fellow.

Determined the surface structure and chemistry of DNA-GaAs biochips using Grazing Incidence X-ray Scattering, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy.

Published manuscript in IEEE: M. Al-Sheikhly, D. McGraw, et al. “Radiation Induced Failure Mechanisms of GaAs Based Biochips,” IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability. Vol. 4, No. 2., June 2005.

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Sample Resume – Ph.D. Bioengineering

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Jun. - Aug. 2013

National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD

Developed an automated method to convert two-dimensional HIV protease inhibitor chemical structures to three-dimensional animations showcasing inhibitor interactions with protease active site using Pymol software.

Created 300 visualizations of HIV Protease-Inhibitor interactions to supplement HIV research database (HIVSDB).

Presented results to scientists and peers at SURF Symposium.


Graduate Teaching Assistant Sep. 2016 - May 2017

University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Facilitated laboratory exercises for 40 students in Freshman Bioengineering Laboratory and delivered weekly lectures on engineering and biology topics.

Graded 50 homework assignments weekly for Computational Methods in Bioengineering course and answered student questions concerning C and Matlab programming languages.

Undergraduate Teaching Fellow Jan. - May 2014

University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Selected as a Women in Engineering Undergraduate Teaching Fellow. Developed lesson plans for and led a 1.5 hour recitation each week for 30 students in

“Mass and Heat Transfer”.

Clark School Ambassador Jan. - Aug. 2013 University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Served as a student representative for the College of Engineering, giving presentations and tours to prospective students and parents, visiting local high schools and performing other recruitment duties.

Developed curriculum and activities for “Discovering Engineering,” a week-long engineering summer camp for middle school students.


Tau Beta Pi, Recording Secretary (2011-2012) and Scholarship Chair (2013) Chemical Engineering Chair Search Committee, Undergraduate Representative (2012) Gemstone Coordinator Search Committee, Student Representative (2011)


National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 2015 – 2017. A. James Clark School of Engineering Dean’s Award, May 2013.

Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, 2012 – 2013.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

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Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.